Golf Success Not Possible Without Support
Yesterday was our 2nd Annual Golf Scramble at Echo Hills Golf Course. Even though this wasn’t our first year event, this certainly wasn’t something that we could pull off without the generous support of businesses in the community. Operation Veteran and Caregiver Support works hard to provide veterans and their families with not only resources and phone numbers, but real opportunities to find community and make connections with other veterans. We love what we do because we can see the results on a daily basis, celebrating successes with medical care, housing, and relationships. We have met so many wonderful people since starting our Muster & Mingle events, and we are honored to serve dozens of families at the holidays, helping put a meal on the table and supplementing the gifts under the tree.
We work with many agencies, government offices, and fellow non-profits because the need is only growing as the Desert Shield/Desert Storm era veterans are beginning to reach out for more services. We are proud to stand in the gap for them, helping them navigate the oftentimes confusing systems. Our long-term dream is to be able to purchase an office space, somewhere that veterans and their families can visit when they need assistance, or simply for a cup of coffee and a chat. The TippCenter has been a blessing to us, working with us to host our Muster & Mingle events in a central location, and supporting us behind the scenes to ensure that every event runs smoothly. However, any event that we hold cost money, and as a non-profit, all of our funding comes via private donations and grants. That is why events like this year’s golf scramble are so important. While we do admittedly make some money from team fees, most of our money comes from businesses partnering with us. We wanted to take a moment and sincerely thank all of this year’s sponsors, and encourage all of you to seek them out if you find yourself in need of services.
Platinum Sponsor
Chaney-Graef-Pitsenbarger Post 4874
Gold Sponsors
- American Legion Piqua Post 184
- Jackson Tube Services
- Riverside Doors & Hardware
Elite Sponsors
Hole Sponsors
- American Family Insurance – Kirk Nichols
- First Choice Paint & Body
- Greenville Federal
- Piqua Lumber
- Sunset Meat Market