It’s oh-Fish-al, Derby A Success!
On Saturday, June 4, 2022 we held our first kids fishing derby at Garbry Big Woods, outside of Piqua, OH. There was no cost to participate, and each participant received wipes, a 5 gallon bucket, bait, lunch and a chance at lots of fun prizes. We weren’t sure what to expect, but it was a perfect day, both for weather and for bites. We had 22 kids who fished that day, and they caught a combined 35 fish! Even our participants who didn’t win took home amazing memories, as more than one angler caught their first fish that sunny morning.
After fishing was closed, we all enjoyed a picnic lunch, with hot dogs donated by the Mt Top VFW Post 6557 Auxillary, chips donated by Mike Sells, and apple slices donated by Scott Family McDonalds. There were lots of games played as the young fishers told stories of their catches and family members enjoyed the shade. Our prizes were donated by Blue Star Families of Dayton and Southwestern Ohio and Mt Top VFW Post 6557. We gave prizes to the most fish, longest fish, and heaviest fish in each age group. Every participant also received a coupon for a free Frosty from Wendy’s, as well as a fun outdoor toy of their choice.
We could not have asked for a better day, and we want to thank all those who came out and fished with us, volunteered their time to weigh and measure fish, and all of the amazing organizations that partnered with us to put on such a great event. Our next event will be our June Muster & Mingle event, held June 29th at the Tipp Center. Check out our events page for more information about Muster & Mingle, and about all of our fun events scheduled for this summer!