green and gray scissors

School Supplies and Clear Skies

On Saturday August 3rd we held our Annual School Supply giveaway at WACO Air Museum in Troy. This event takes weeks of planning and countless hours from our volunteers. This year, we had several community partners that allowed us to have another great event. Our littlest partners were Sarynity and Levi King. They spent their summer selling lemonade (with their dad’s help) and then they used their earnings to buy almost 2 dozen backpacks to donate to the students coming for their supplies. We had a great time shopping with them!

Saturday dawned a beautiful day, and our volunteers gathered at WACO to set up for the distribution. After a pep talk from our Director, we broke into groups and set out the supplies. Thanks to our partnerships with the Eagles in Covington and the Monroe Grange, we had backpacks and water bottles for every child that came to get supplies! We had a record year for attendance, with almost 100 kids getting their supplies and starting their school year off right. New for this year, we paid for the museum admission of anyone who was interested in touring after getting their goodies. Several families took us up on the offer, and one is even planning on coming back for the barnstorming in September!

“I didn’t even know this was here!” Were his exact words, and as an active duty airman, he made sure to text his buddies before leaving the museum, making sure that they all had that date free on their calendar. We are hoping to see him again in September.

Instead of our usual snow cones, we passed out certificates for each military and veteran child to get a free ice cream treat from Duckys Snow Balls and Ice Cream. They were a huge hit!

We had a great event, and we hope to see you back next year!

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