Upcoming Events

Tuesday March 18 – Piqua, OH

You asked, we listened! Veteran Caregiver Essentials is back! This is a unique program, built from scratch, to address the needs unique to being a caregiver to a veteran. Be the end of the three sessions, you will have a binder packed with information that is custom created for you and your veteran. This class is not just for current veteran caregivers – if you are in a position to know that caring for a veteran is in your future, this is information you want to get now. VCE is free, but registration is required. You can register by clicking here!

Wednesday March 26 – Tipp City, OH

We have a great evening planned for you! We are following up our successful Estate Planning evening (thanks to Mr. Patrizio) with another very important evening. Matt Bueher with Main Street Financial will be talking to us about budgeting, money management, and more. You don’t want to miss this one!

Saturday March 29 – Piqua, OH

It’s time for one of our biggest events of the year! Our Annual Bunny Breakfast and Egg Hunt will be held Saturday March 29th at Chaney-Graef-Pitsenbarger VFW Post 4874. Breakfast begins at 9am with fresh pancakes, sausage, applesauce, and yogurt. The live bunnies from DC Rabbitry will arrive around 9:30, so bring your cameras! We will have games, crafts, and raffle baskets as well. The age-divided hunts start at 11:00, with staggered start times so parents can assist all their children as needed. No RSVP is needed, so come on out and enjoy a great morning with us!

Tuesday April 1 – Piqua, OH

We aren’t fooling, we are so excited to welcome back Julie from Valor Therapeutics to our Piqua Muster & Mingle! After dinner, we are going to learn more about some unique approaches to therapy, from music to art. We always have a great time when Julie is involved, and we know that tonight won’t be any different!