Easter Bunny Breakfast A Hit
On Saturday April 9th, Operation Veteran and Caregiver Support co-hosted an Easter Bunny Breakfast with the VFW Post 4874 Auxiliary. The weather was not promising, and we weren’t sure what to expect. However, right at 9am, families starting pouring in, ready to enjoy a great meal and spend some time with everyone’s favorite bunny. We served pancakes (freshly made by Darin West, a Navy veteran and his wife, Operation Veteran and Caregiver Support president, Kayleen) and with sausage that had been generously donated by Panera Bread. Scott Family McDonalds in Piqua donated the delicious syrup, and the VFW supplied coffee, orange juice, and milk.

At about 10am, the Easter Bunny came to enjoy some breakfast too! They took time with each child that wanted to sit on their lap, and made sure everyone got a special treat. Pop-its were the big hit, but several kids left clutching new stuffed animals or whiffle ball sets. The children also had a chance to decorate their egg hunting bags, with stickers, markers, and crayons. The Easter Bunny needed to take a brief break, so we organized two games of musical chairs while the parents relaxed and enjoyed some much appreciated socializing. There were several raffle baskets donated by VFW Post 4874 members, as well as businesses in the community, and this was also the prime time for making the hard decision of which basket got your tickets.

Finally, after a group photo with the Easter Bunny, it was the moment of truth.

Due to weather concerns, we opted to hold the egg hunt inside the VFW’s hall. Thanks to lots of little bunny helpers, we had over 2000 eggs to ‘hide’. The children were divided up into age groups, and allowed to hunt at the count of three. There were plenty of eggs to go around, and we made sure no one left feeling like they didn’t get their fair share of treats.

Thank you to everyone who came out! We were so happy to be able to spend a great morning with over 100 veterans and their families. Keep an eye out on our upcoming events page to see all the great events we have coming up. Special thank you to VFW Post 4874 Auxiliary, we had a great time partnering with you for this event! If you are interested in any events they have coming up, check out their Facebook page for more info. Can’t wait for our next joint venture!